Art Counseling

The approach to Art has diversified over the years. However, we can agree in the fact that to produce a piece of artwork can also be a way of meditation. Art then becomes a result of the artists' inner world, their perception of their own human nature and their psychological and emotional processes.

Transpersonal Art is offered through custom designed sessions addressed to groups and individuals, whether you are willing to adventure into an inner journey or if you belong to a group where support for integration is needed. Art provides a wonderful tool for relief and it can also permeate cultural barriers, which open us to a wider field of interaction.


The sessions are provided in different settings according to previous agreement with the client. Every session lasts between one and two hours and a minimum of 3 sessions is recommended.

At the moment I can only offer private sessions in very specific dates, so please contact me if you would like to schedule.


Dedicated to help people develop creativity as a tool to achieve personal or institutional goals. These workshops are designed considering multiculturalism as a priority and understanding the importance of using local resources to promote sustainability. Every individual is important, every community is important, like with the elements of an Art composition, what brings them together is the vision of the whole.

Due to my experience, I have divided the types of workshops according to the most common needs. If you have further questions regarding future workshops, please write to

The workshops I present here were unique, as they were designed solely for the group for which they were useful. The people who appear in the photos agreed to being photographed and some of them have been blurred for respecting privacy, particularly children. The images have been handled with care and providing a realistic, tough not invasive approach. I will be truly thankful for feedback on your participation, so please let me know if you would like to leave a comment.

Art & Sustainability. IDEC (International Conference of Democratic Education) BC, Vancouver, Canada. Sponsored by IDEC.

Artiespacio: Painting with Natural dyes. Bioferia Surco, Lima, Peru. Saturday workshops and special events.

Artiespacio: Painting with Natural dyes. Feria La Veintiùnica, Lima, Peru. Special event.

Art & Sustainability. IDEC Puerto Rico.

Ruralima: Sustainable Development. Unchus, Huaraz. Ancash, Peru. An approach to the communities and their necessities, conversation and Art session.

Ruralima: Sustainable Development. Llupa, Huaraz. Ancash, Peru. An approach to the communities and their necessities, conversation and Art session. Later on, a series of workshops focused on Nutrition were offered to the kindergarten in Llupa, Huaraz; see complete inform. This project was sponsored by The Way Inn Lodge.

Ruralima: Teachers from Llupa shadowing Waldorf teachers in Cieneguilla, Lima, Peru. This was in collaboration with The Way Inn Lodge, Miguel Angel Cieneguilla School, and Waldorf Cieneguilla School and Ms Flor Tenorio Mera.

Ruralima: Holistic view on early childhood; the sense of touch and movement. Yurac Yacu, Huaraz. Ancash, Peru. In collaboration with Andean Alliance through The Lazy Dog Lodge.

Workshop on Kenè, led by Shipibo-Conibo community members, to the benefit of victims of the fire in Cantagallo community in Lima, Peru. Led by Delita Pacaya and Carola Inuma.

The workshops I present here were unique, as they were designed solely for the group for which they were useful. The people who appear in the photos agreed to being photographed and some of them have been blurred for respecting privacy, particularly children. The images have been handled with care and providing a realistic, tough not invasive approach. I will be truly thankful for feedback on your participation, so please let me know if you would like to leave a comment.


Since 2013 I have worked in the context of Wellness Retreats offering Art sessions and interpretation services, and since 2015 also organising trips to different areas that are not necessarily very touristy, but hold a special beauty and principally, reflect care for the environment. Coworking in different communities, our retreats have helped support and improve the lives of a few, but important people, because we believe that quantity grows from quality. I try to promote social justice through working in settings where there is respect for the environment and the people who are part of the land in which we work. Concepts of sustainability, human ecology, permaculture, alternative ways of living, ecological design and so on, are part of the considerations we have present while organising our retreats.

In Peru, there are different traditions according to the regions and specific places. Intending to support the communities without disturbing the ecological balance, we offer small retreats and prepare for them for a whole year. The exploration of medicinal plants and other traditional healing techniques may be part of the experience, depending on the group, so we ask for a commitment to respect a drug free environment and inform us of any medical condition prior to signing in. Our experience with the curative powers of plants and its use by people from diverse traditions has showed us to respect and trust the ancient traditional medicine and to facilitate the process of integration that people often require as a part of the process.

Retreats often represent an intense emotional release, for which we recommend considering other people’s experience as part of an organism that is formed by every participant, then it is together as a group that we help the individual and individual experience which supports the group. Having this as our ethos, we are open to all ages, all cultural beliefs and religions, all colours, sizes and shapes! May you feel welcome, safe, and taken care of, from the beginning to the end, and after that, may you take us in your mind a safe place to be in harmony with yourself and others.